Steps to Take if Your Pet is Injured or Sick
Doctors of veterinary medicine often don't like us referring to information on the Internet. They often claim it's dangerous to go by "blanketed" information since each pet is unique. However this isn't fair because much of the work they do is guess work (they often guess what medications to prescribe, etc.). So both methods are not anywhere near perfect.If life threatening, uncontrollable bleeding, long lasting seizure, take to your vet if office open over next hour; if won't be open, take to nearest 24-hour pet care facility. Type in "emergency veterinarian" in Google maps. Call to let them know you're coming.Hydrate the pet! Offer filtered water. If declines and hasn't drunk in a while, offer goat milk. If you don't have goat milk, keep offering water a few more times. If still won't drink, use a new (clean) syringe (no metal needle) to squirt filtered water in the mouth. Even better than water, buy high pH and/or electrolyte water (no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners). Hydration is the most common step pet owners AND VETS! ignore, costing them hundreds in vet bills, pain and suffering for pet and owner, etc.Goat milk or organic cow milk makes a sick animal feel much better, but due to harmful long term fat, switch over to something like unsweetened almond milk (unsweetened to reduce tooth decay and cancer risks).Research online for a diagnosis. Learn everything you practically can by matching symptoms with causes.Research online for a holistic, natural treatment for the diagnosis, if there is a strong diagnosis. Try natural cures for a few weeks.If unable to diagnose or natural cures aren't working, take pet to the vet. Have a list of questions ready. Don't pay unless all questions are clearly answered. Let the vet know you wish to buy all meds only from a pharmacy. This may prevent over-prescriptions of high profit meds. Type up a list of all meds on hand to include med name, dosage sizes and expiration dates.Beware of meds: The side effects the doctor may not warn of could be catastrophic. Doctors prescribe meds frequently and you could end up with many that could be easy to make mistakes with which could be fatal or very harmful. Consider no meds unless as a last desperate need.
RC Glucobalance was a worse choice for a severely underweight dog due to the high fiber content; fiber curbs hunger (absorbs water and creates sense of fullness) as it is for wight loss. This is something caretaker brought to doctor, technician and RC's attention several times, but they all said stick with it. Caretaker insists RC only cares about profits and Glucobalance is made from diseased factory farmed meat and other defective ingredients they attained for a cheap price, only to resell at a price that reflects high quality to pad profits. If they really cared about animals they wouldn't use factory farm – abused animal products, but they do.
Tippy now completely rejects Glucobalance canned food. This previously happened with Hills W/D. This is because Tippy can detect diseased / defective / low quality “food”. Caretaker is making Tippy's food from scratch, so far with these ingredients:
Boiled chicken (including skin and all fat until regains proper weight)
Kidney beans
Beef pancreas (capsule)
Brewer's Yeast (tablet)
Will reintroduce fiber when attains 30 lbs.
I have noticed there is huge room for improvement regarding diabetes education and distinctive instructions for different categories (underweight, normal weight, overweight, etc.) as dietary needs are different. Currently there is no distinction which can result in critically harmful dietary choices.
Feedback welcome... thanks, Eric – phone 360-214-4474 / email